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Columbia Pacific CCO wants you to continue to receive the health care you need. The rules about who qualifies for the Oregon Health Plan (OHP) are changing now that the COVID public health emergency has ended.

Visit the OHA website

Update your address and learn more at the Oregon Health Authority website.

What is going on

Now that the COVID-19 public health emergency has ended, Oregon is returning to its previous rules for OHP. The state has begun checking if current OHP members still qualify for OHP or other state benefits. This process is sometimes called “redetermination.”

What you can do

Between now and early 2024, the state will review your case to see if you remain eligible for OHP. Here are three things you can do to make the process smoother:

  1. Update your address with OHA. Log into your ONE account or call 800-699-9075.
  2. Respond to any mailed requests from OHA. You will have 90 days to respond.
  3. Reach out to local assisters for help with the paperwork.

If OHA determines you no longer qualify for benefits, you will have 60 days before your OHP coverage ends. During that time, OHA can help you figure out your other options.