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Columbia Pacific CCO risk share

Jan 1, 2021, 08:00 AM
Since 2015, Columbia Pacific CCO has partnered with the counties we serve in an innovative approach to sharing risk for our members.  Our County Collaborative Risk Agreements are value-based contracts in which Columbia Pacific partners with the major providers in Clatsop, Columbia and Tillamook counties to bend the cost curve and ensure that Medicaid continues to be affordable for Oregon’s tight fiscal budget. 
The launch of CCO 2.0 brought more specific expectations related to value-based payments. One of those expectations is that all risk arrangements include a component that measures quality. Risk shares have chosen a substance use disorder focus for quality measures. Over the past few years, each county worked to improve their substance abuse outcomes made significant strides. At the same time, Columbia Pacific identified substance use as a key area for cost savings and quality improvement.  In our Regional Health Improvement Plan, recovery supports and substance use treatment are highlighted as a need for each county’s local community. Substance use is a unique care area, because successful outcomes are overly dependent on collaboration and coordination among various partners. We’re excited that, beginning in 2021, each of our County Collaborative Risk Agreements will focus on improving quality outcomes for members struggling with substance use!

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