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If you have questions, please email our grants administrator. We look forward to hearing from you!
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Put simply, we work to ensure our health plan members and communities have access to the care and support they want and need. One way we do this is by providing grants and other types of impact funds to many of the clinical and community organizations that make up the health care system and social safety net in our region.
We support existing and emerging programs that are guided by evidence-based and/or best practices. Our local partnerships help advance our vision of building equitable and sustainable access to quality health care and community services.
We look to the people who live and work in our communities to tell us what they need to be healthy. And we invest accordingly. We pay special attention to the voices of those who have historically faced the biggest barriers to care and opportunity.
In 2024, our Regional Community Advisory Council adopted our 2025-29 Regional Health Improvement Plan (RHIP), which will guide our work and investment decisions over the next five years. The plan’s priority areas are based on feedback from more than 1,300 residents of Clatsop, Columbia and Tillamook counties. Learn more about the plan and its community-identified priority areas:
Read on to learn about the different ways we invest in our communities, including:
Funding level: more than $25,000
Application window: May 1 through July 1, 2025
Reviewed and approved by our Board of Directors, large grant proposals must address at least one of our 2025-29 RHIP priority areas or CCO Quality metrics. We pay special attention to proposals that strive to promote health equity and trauma informed care, as well as partnerships that leverage existing resources and expertise in our region. In addition, we are particularly interested in proposals that have already demonstrated proof of concept but need a one-time funding boost to become more sustainable. Large-grant funding is particularly helpful as seed or bridge money for sizeable projects requiring funding from multiple sources.
Funding level: up to $25,000
Application window: May 19 through July 1, 2025
Proposals for CWIF grants must address one or more of our 2025-29 RHIP priority areas. We favor proposals that strive to promote health equity and trauma informed care, as well as partnerships that leverage existing resources and expertise in our region. In addition, we look for projects that expect to solve a one-time or short-term problem, or to pilot an idea before attempting it at scale.
CWIF grant proposals are reviewed and approved by our Community Advisory Councils, who represent the voices of our members and community partners.
Under the state’s SHARE Initiative, we invest a portion of our profits back into our communities to address health inequities and social factors affecting health (or social determinants of health). Our SHARE investments have traditionally focused on addressing the housing crisis in our region. Here are some of the local programs we’ve supported through SHARE funding:
Applications for SHARE funding are developed yearly in collaboration with our community partners and Community Advisory Councils. Interested in joining one of our Advisory Councils? Learn more:
Application window: February through mid-December 2025
Successful proposals will focus primarily on increasing the local supply of affordable and/or recovery housing available to Oregon Health Plan members. We look for proposals that draw on community knowledge, leverage local assets and elevate the voices of the populations we serve. Learn more about our commitment to affordable housing.
Note: Organizations with proposals for housing-related programs and services should consider applying to our large and/or CWIF grant programs.
The Oregon Health Plan’s (OHP) Health Related Social Needs (HRSN) benefit was developed to support OHP/Medicaid members who are experiencing certain life transitions and have specific medical needs. These benefits are intended to help members stay healthy during times of greater need. The categories of HRSN benefits include:
Implementing the HRSN benefits provides new opportunities for Coordinated Care Organizations (CCOs) to partner, coordinate care, identify needs and track access to climate, housing and nutrition services. Community-based organizations, social service agencies and housing and food providers play an important role in delivering these services to eligible OHP members.
Funding level: $500 to $5,000
Application window: January through December 2025
Apply via ZoomGrants™ (Select Columbia Pacific from the drop-down menu.)
We sponsor regional events hosted by nonprofit community-based organizations that serve low-income residents of Clatsop, Columbia and/or Tillamook counties. Successful proposals will improve health training, awareness and/or outcomes related to our 2025-29 RHIP priority areas.
If you have questions, please email our grants administrator. We look forward to hearing from you!
Learn about some of the local programs we support through grant funding
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