Read more: Members may have trouble getting meds at some pharmacies.

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Read more: OHP Bridge program benefits explained on your member resources page.


Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that ranges from mild to severe. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention list the most common signs of pneumonia as:

  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Difficulty breathing

Viruses, bacteria and different types of fungus can all lead to pneumonia.

Pneumonia is a larger concern for older adults, people living with chronic health conditions — like diabetes or asthma — or people with weakened immune systems like cancer patients or patients with HIV/AIDS. Pneumonia can also develop as a complication of the flu.

Make sure you get a flu shot each year and talk to your doctor about getting a pneumonia vaccine. Pneumonia vaccines are FREE to Columbia Pacific CCO members. Wash your hands and cover your mouth when coughing to help prevent the spread of infection.

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Let us help you

Send us a secure message through our Member Portal at or call us at 503-488-2822, toll-free 855-722-8206 or TTY 711. We can help you make an appointment for a pneumonia vaccine.



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