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Provider Spotlight: Providence primary care North Coast

Nov 20, 2024, 21:50 PM

Kudos to Providence primary care clinics in Seaside, Warrenton and Cannon Beach for their outstanding work on 2024 CCO incentive measures that support pediatric health! Providence has already met its goals for childhood and adolescent immunizations and is ahead of schedule to meet its goal for well-child visits (ages 3-6). How have the clinics achieved high rates of immunization among pediatric patients?

Here are some things that have helped make a difference:

  • Team huddles. Medical assistants are encouraged to meet with providers each morning to look over the day’s schedule together and make sure any care gaps are identified. 
  • Dedicated medical assistants. Each medical assistant is aware of their role in reviewing charts and identifying patients with immunizations that are due.
  • Clinical leadership and support. Clinicians have helped create a culture in which it is expected that patient charts are scrubbed at the start of each day to identify any immunizations that are due.
  • Communication. If parents decline or are hesitant, providers listen and then share information on the importance of immunizations to their child’s health.
  • A holistic focus across clinic teams. This starts with talking with expectant parents about the importance of immunizations and extends to reaching out to families with infants regarding immunizations that might be important at certain ages or specific times of year (such as the RSV vaccine).
  • A strong focus on data and performance among clinicians. Providence is looking for more ways to celebrate accomplishments with clinic staff members, which serves to highlight performance and validate their great work.

Providence is an excellent partner to Columbia Pacific in patient care. The organization’s leadership is highly engaged in improving the quality of care for patients and has been a strong partner in various quality improvement initiatives. We appreciate you!

Learn more about what Providence is doing to increase pediatric-immunization rates on the North Coast: Pediatric immunization effort earns Providence a rural health award

Provider Spotlight: This story is the first in a new series recognizing innovation and accomplishments among our provider partners. Please return to our website or check our bimonthly provider newsletter to read future installments.

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